Useful properties of lettuce

Lettuce belongs to the genus of flowering plants of the Astro family. Among all salads, it takes an honorable place in the history of cooking, and in modern cuisine. In ancient Egypt, he was considered a strong aphrodisiac and a symbol of fertility, and ancient Roman and ancient Greek athletes could not imagine a meal without lettuce. In our time, this salad is an inalienable decoration of many dishes. Lolo Rosso, Iceberg, Romaine salad – to which the subspecies would have treated lettuce, its useful properties can be spoken for hours. Your attention is presented to 10 main reasons why it is necessary to include lettuce in your diet.

Useful properties of lettuce

  • Lettuce is a storehouse of vitamins. In 100 g of the product contains: Vitamin A – 4.44 mg; Vitamin C – 9.2 mg; Vitamin B1 – 0.07 mg; Vitamin B2 – 0.08 mg; Vitamin B3 – 0.375 mg; Vitamin B5 – 0.134 mg; Vitamin B6 – 0.09 mg; Vitamin E – 0.22 mg; Vitamin K is 126.3 g.
  • It contains only 12 kcal and 0.3 g of fat (per 100 g of salad). Due to low calorie salad can be consumed in large quantities, without worrying for the figure.
  • This is a valuable dietary plant . Lettuce is rich in plant fibers, useful in losing weight. They help to remove toxins and excess cholesterol from the body. In addition, people who suffer from diabetes recommend using salad.
  • Improves the heart. Lettuce can be considered one of the best products to improve the performance of the cardiovascular system. It provides the body with potassium, as well as beta-carotene, which cleanses blood from harmful radicals.
  • Accelerates metabolism. In leaves there is a lot of folic acid , which regulates metabolism.
  • He struggles with insomnia. The juice that stands out if you break a leaf of a salad is called a lactukary . His sleeping pills are known since ancient times. If you suffer from insomnia, be sure to include lettuce in your diet.
  • Leaves of lettuce contain alkaloids , bitterness, tar. These substances have expectorant, diuretic and sedative properties.
  • Where without magnesium! The magnesium contained in the leaves of the salad revitalizes the muscle tissue, brain and nerves.
  • Improves the thyroid gland. Lettuce is the source of iodine, which, as is known, is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Indispensable in cosmetology. Shredded leaves of lettuce are used as masks against inflammation and redness of the skin. Boiled salad leaves help with sunburn. Tincture on the basis of alcohol wipe the head, thereby preventing dandruff and stimulating hair growth.
  • And lettuce is a delicious decoration for many dishes. Add lettuce to various dishes, but you can eat it in raw form. True, it tastes bitter.
  • Caution : despite all the useful properties of lettuce, it can harm the body. People with urolithiasis and kidney diseases should exclude this salad from the diet.

    Having learned about the useful qualities of this plant, you can experience all of its curative powers on yourself. Bon appetit, and do not be ill!