How to grow cucumbers

Well, who does not like fresh or canned crispy cucumbers? Probably, no festive feast can not do without this delicious vegetable. Agree that there is nothing better than cucumbers grown at home. Unfortunately, they require a relative space in the garden. A large plot of land can not boast of not everyone. Therefore, we have prepared a method that will help you grow cucumbers in bags for 1 m and get more than 1,000 fruits. Let's start …

How to grow cucumbers

  • Take bags of dense polyethylene or from sugar with a volume of 70 liters. Put the soil in them from the layers of soil and manure. Place the bag vertically. Preferably in a small depression.
  • In the middle of each bag, insert a two-meter wooden stick. At the end of the stick, nail the nail and tie the mating for future cucumbers. In each bag, you need to insert 3 plastic tubes with small holes along the entire length. They are needed for irrigation.
  • Seeds of cucumbers (3 pcs.) Are planted between sticks, and the rest are staggered in lateral incisions in a sack. The incisions are made in the form of a triangle, they bend and the seeds are planted there. For each bag, you need about 15 seeds.
  • Water the earth through plastic tubes. Do this every day, if the summer is hot. If it's cool, then less often.
  • When there are 5-7 leaves, tie them to a stick with knots.
  • It is best to plant different varieties of vegetables. This will allow harvesting until the frosts.

  • Take these tricks to grow cucumbers in a bag and use them to health. Of course, in the process you will add your observations, which we ask to share with us! Save yourself this useful information, and also share it with your friends!