Money mascot

Triple turtle – an effective talisman, which brings his possessor material wealth, as well as good luck in his career. The statuette consists of three turtles, symbolizing three generations of one family. This talisman also promotes strong relations of all living in the house. Such an amulet is especially necessary for those people who live with grandparents.

Money mascot

The wardrobe begins to act completely unnoticed for its owners: everything starts with a shallow profit, but in time each member of the family will feel a smooth and stable increase in income and standard of living.

The statuette should be placed in the northern part of the house – this location is extremely successful for attracting material prosperity. It is worth noting that you can not put a turtle in the bedroom or in the nursery. The best place to store a money amulet is a living room or a hall.

Do not forget to share this article with your friends, be assured, you will inspire them to change for the better! And also find out how to properly store money in your wallet.