Personal self-development

Do you know who Anthony Robbins is ? If not, "So Simple!" Answers: this is a person with incredible charisma, an expert in personal development, received world recognition, a guru of self-improvement. The number of its clients, including well-known politicians and businessmen, exceeds the population of some countries!

Tony Robbins literally puts people on their feet, directing their dreams, goals and decisions in the right way so that it drastically affects their financial condition . When he performs on stage, something incredible is happening to the audience in the hall!

"So Simple!" Wants to talk about 3 important decisions, thoughts from Tony Robbins , which can change your financial life.

Personal self-development

  • What do you pay attention to? What you focus on, forms a stream of thoughts and a picture of the world, and therefore, life itself. If you constantly tell yourself that there is no money, instead of noticing all the good things around you, they will not be there! Take a new look at your relatives, take care of your health, train your mind, develop the habit of appreciating what you already have: only then will you open up to new opportunities.
  • What does all of this mean? Remember how you relate to various troubles: loss of a smartphone, dismissal from work, ailment … Do you perceive this as the end of everything or as a beginning, a new page in life? To influence the "gifts" of fate, we can not, but are able to change their attitude towards them. Do not let the negative emotions take over!
  • What will you do? Think, how do you usually behave when something is upset? Two different people from the same unpleasant situation will come out in different ways: one will try to quickly forget about it and move on, the other, harboring resentment, will feel sorry for himself and complain about the injustice of fate. Remember that problems and trials make us stronger if we approach them correctly!
  • Ask yourself these 3 questions. The answers to them ultimately determine the quality of life and shape your willingness to improve it. Start positive changes from small! Do you think friends will like this article? Share your opinion!