For a long time you dream of losing weight, but you are afraid that you will not have the patience and willpower? Today we will tell you about a simple diet that will help to lose weight properly! Diet by the type of figure affects exactly the problem areas of the body. Determine your type of figure to get the perfect shape right now …
How to eat right to lose weight
Triangle Typical features of this build are narrow shoulders, slender waist and wide hips. The diet of this type of figure should include simple products: sea fish, milk or cottage cheese, tomatoes, dark rice and lots of greens. You should forget about pasta, carbonated drinks and products containing animal fats.
Circle This type of figure is distinguished by its round shapes. The fairer sex often has a large chest, and the waist is the same diameter as the chest. You need to add more fiber and fresh fruit to your diet. Sea fish, honey and walnuts will benefit the owners of this type of figure. It should be excluded from the diet of white bread, animal fats and fried in sunflower oil products.
Rectangle Smooth silhouette is the hallmark of this type of figure. The representatives of the weaker sex in the waist area do not have the usual female bends. In a diet for this type of figure should include a large number of vegetables and fruits. You can and should eat meat, but only boiled. In day it is necessary to eat 100 g of cottage cheese. It is required to completely exclude from the diet alcohol, coffee, potatoes.
Hourglass This type of figure is famous for its perfection. Proportional shoulders and hips are the dream of every woman. Diet for this type includes lean meat, green leafy vegetables and natural juices. It is necessary to completely abandon the white bread, replacing it with bread. Once a week you need to arrange a day off.
Inverted triangle Most often, the owners of this type of figure – athletes. The shoulders of the fairer sex are wider than the hips. Such girls need to enrich their diet with marine fish, dairy products and beans. You should forget about carbonated drinks and high-calorie baked goods.
To acquire ideal forms in the shortest time, combine effective exercises with our healthy diet. Do not forget to share the article with your friends, they will be grateful!