The damage of pork

Eating meat or not is the choice of everyone. But if you choose between types of meat , then worse than pork, there is no option. Ecologically safe and healthy varieties of meat – beef, lamb, poultry, venison. A widespread and beloved pork – the source of many health problems, should be limited to its use or even completely excluded from its diet. Pork contains toxic ingredients – fat, mucus, histamine, dangerous hormones, substances that are rotting in the intestine . It becomes the cause of infections, skin diseases, arthritis, arthrosis and even changes in the human hormonal background. Science explains a lot.

The damage of pork

  • Pork contains growth hormone, which causes malfunctions in the well-coordinated work of the human body. Under the influence of a foreign hormone, pathological processes occur: obesity, proliferation of benign and malignant tumors.
  • Pork contains histamine – an allergy-provoking stimulus. Appendicitis, development of furunculosis and cholecystitis, dermatitis, eczema – the effects of histamine on the body.
  • Pig blood is rich in oncogenic agents – specific red blood cells, acting as cancer markers.
  • Influenza virus is very common in sausage, getting into the product from a light animal. Frequent use of pork leads to increased rates of flu!
  • Pork is the most fatty meat, it promotes obesity, especially if there is pork in a stressful state.
  • Pork is very toxic, it contains dangerous carcinogens and is not inferior in its harmfulness to alcohol and tobacco. There are suggestions of the carcinogenicity of porcine sex hormones.
  • Human meat and pig meat are very similar in structure, there are a number of anatomical and biochemical indicators, similar in man and pig. But pigs have few muscles and bones, but a lot of fat and connective tissue. Pigs often get sick, and one can never be sure completely, you eat the meat of a sick or healthy animal.
  • The constant poisoning with toxins contained in pork meat provokes heart problems and can cause a stroke. In the human body, consuming pork, a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria is formed.
  • All diseases are the mobilization of protective forces directed against toxins, or damage resulting from the intake of toxins into the body. Many people consider pork to be surprisingly tasty meat, but this is just a food habit that can be changed. If a child is taught from childhood to eat right, then you can avoid serious health problems. Think about whether you should continue to eat pig meat, and share this important information with your friends.