Advertising constantly inspires us to take vitamins. And dieticians insist: all useful substances can be obtained with food. So where is the truth? This article will clarify the complex issue of vitamins and their need in our lives.
The foods that you eat should be of high quality, your diet is well balanced , and the intestines healthy, otherwise the body will not be able to get out of the food what it is supposed to. In some cases, the need for useful substances is increasing. When you need to think about taking vitamins, and which ones?
Should I take vitamins?
You are a vegetarian Vegetarians often lack iron, but only if their food is unbalanced. With sufficient quantities of legumes and cereals, this problem does not exist. Additional portion of iron – in tablets – may be required for a vegetarian with significant blood loss (including during critical days), during pregnancy. If you feel inexplicable fatigue, and your nails and hair break down – you need to see a doctor. On the analysis of blood, he will determine whether there is a deficit of iron and develop a strategy, how to take vitamins. Vitamin B12 in a significant amount is contained only in products of animal origin. Or in specially enriched vegetarian (for example, ready-made breakfasts). If you do not observe such frills in the shops, taking vitamin B12 will be necessary.
You have caught a cold Synthesis of immune cells ascorbic, contrary to popular belief, does not strengthen. But it protects against destruction already existing and encourages them to fight more actively against viruses and bacteria. In addition, it reduces the production of inflammatory components, facilitating the symptoms of flu and colds. The first three days of cold must take ascorbic acid, even if you already drink multivitamins.
You're an athlete! B vitamins participate in many biochemical cycles, providing our body with energy. Riboflavin (B2) is involved in obtaining energy from food in general, B6 – energy from proteins, and B1 – from fat and carbohydrates. Magnesium, as, incidentally, and other minerals – sodium, potassium, chlorine, is lost with sweat. And thus it is very important for sportsmen, as participates in reduction of muscular fibers. So watch out for your body, doing sports, even if it's regular fitness three times a week. With the help of a simple analysis, you can determine what vitamins you do not have and fill up their stock.
You want to lose weight. But you can not … The study, which found a link between calcium and successful weight loss, was conducted by Canadian scientists from the University of Laval in 2009. In their experiment, two groups of 15 weeks seeking to lose weight were sitting on a low-calorie, calcium-poor diet. One of the groups received this micronutrient additionally, reaching 1000 mg to a daily dose, the second – a placebo saw. As a result, in the first group, the weight of ladies decreased by an average of 6 kg, and in the second group – by only 1 kg. This does not mean that you can drink calcium without control! All the same in preparations he is a little acquired. Just add to your diet cottage cheese, different dairy products, and you will be slim.
Vitamins are very good if taken rationally. Listen to these tips and be considerate of your health, it is priceless. Tell all your relatives about this article about vitamins – they should read it.