How to attract money

Many people are experiencing financial difficulties in our time. They seem to work well and diligently, but for some reason they do not stick to the relationship with money. Common situation? Perhaps it's all about energy. It happens that the flow through which money energy flows, becomes unstable and periodically overlaps. To restore it is recommended to make special mudras – carrying in themselves information sacred gestures and poses. In Buddhism and Hinduism they have been used for many centuries, but now they are also very popular. The effect of them is simply amazing! We suggest that you take on the arsenal of one mudra, which sets up energy for money growth .

Wise to attract money

This mudra ensures the regular supply of energy of material goods. But this does not mean that you will fall sharply abundance right from the sky. Revenues will be treated as evenly as you need it. No more, no less, to live in a constant prosperity. For you, new sources of profit will open, the main thing is to notice them in time. The previous sources are stabilized, or they are closed as superfluous. Also, you will be able to get a high-paying job or open your business without obstacles.

How often do the mudra?

Do this ritual twice a day for 2-3 minutes. The morning and evening are best. Then take a break for a week and repeat again.

How to do the mudra for income?

  • Put your hands in front of you palms up.
  • Put your hands together, fold them with a cup, as if you want to scoop up water. The fingers must be very tight against each other.
  • Connect the pads of the large, index and middle fingers on both hands.
  • Cover your eyes. Relax and watch the breath: take deep breaths and exhalations.
  • Concentrate and imagine that energy is concentrated at the point between the eyebrows.
  • Tune in to the certainty of the inexhaustibility of this energy source.
  • Stay in position for a couple of minutes.
  • This mudra will suit everyone who wants to adjust their financial condition and find a permanent source of income. Share this helpful information with your friends, maybe they will also want to practice this and attract money !