How to remove bruises under glzami

A woman can have a hundred reasons why she looks far from cheerful in the morning: a party, a breast-feeding, a quarterly report, a romantic night … However, whatever the occasion – pleasant or not – the result of such nights is always the same: a tired look and bruises under the eyes. If you have problems with the kidneys (one of the signs of bruises under the eyes) – it is better to see a doctor. But if the health is normal, and the appearance after a sleepless night leaves much to be desired – take advantage of our advice. We offer your attention 5 variants of masks from the available ingredients that you probably have in your kitchen!

Mask of potatoes

  • Grind the peeled potatoes on a grater and mix it in equal proportions with oat flour (on a tablespoon).
  • Add some milk to the mixture (you should get a thick slurry) and apply the mask to the skin around the eyes. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with cool water.
  • Cucumber mask

  • Scrub the cucumber on the finest grater, chop the greens of parsley or coriander (cilantro).
  • Mix the cucumber with herbs and add as much sour cream (preferably a table spoon). The proportion is as follows: 1: 1: 1.
  • Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put under your eyes for 15-20 minutes, then wash with cool water. Express version: Just put a fresh cucumber in the eyes for 20-25 minutes.
  • Mask of cottage cheese and tea

  • Razotri cottage cheese spoon and put under your eyes for 15-20 minutes. This mask is better to wash off not with running water, but with a cotton swab, previously moistened in cold black or green tea. Express version: If you do not have cottage cheese at hand or very little time, apply cooled tea bags to your eyes.
  • Mask from parsley

  • Grind the leaves and stalks of parsley and carefully rub with 2 teaspoons of fatty cottage cheese.
  • Add a small amount of milk (instead of cottage cheese and milk, you can use half a tablespoon of sour cream) and apply the mask to dark circles under the eyes. After 15-20 minutes wash with cool water or even better – weak tea brewing.
  • Mask from walnuts

  • Grind in a coffee grinder the cleared walnuts to a condition of a flour.
  • Mix 2 teaspoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of melted butter.
  • Add 2-3 drops of natural lemon or pomegranate juice and apply the mask to the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
  • Unfortunately, with bruises under the eyes of women look older than their age. When you are only 20 years old – this is not a problem. But when slightly over 30 – it's better not to be too lazy and get up 10 minutes earlier to give time to your appearance . It's so cool when you only know about your sleepless night! Share with your girlfriends these women's secrets. Girls should be in solidarity in matters of beauty!