How to care for eyelashes

Beautiful eyelashes are the pride of every girl. Today, we will tell you how to give them incredible length and volume with simple tricks! We hope that these tricks will come in handy for you …

How to care for eyelashes

  • Every night, lubricate eyelashes with coconut oil to strengthen them and accelerate growth.
  • Curl the eyelashes only once, each new use of curling forceps contributes to hair loss.
  • It is enough to place the dried old mascara in a glass of water to use it several more times.
  • Dilute mascara with a liquid to remove makeup.
  • It is enough to heat the eyelash curler to strengthen their effect.
  • Painting eyelashes will be much more convenient if you bend the brush at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • To speed up the process of applying makeup, you can paint and curl eyelashes at the same time!
  • Compresses from green tea also contribute to the active growth of eyelashes.
  • Choose mascara, which contains beeswax and panthenol.
  • Use baby powder to create the effect of false eyelashes . After applying the first layer of carcass powder the eyelashes with a powder, then apply a second layer.
  • Rinse the ink properly! Move strictly on the growth of eyelashes: from top to bottom.
  • Change your mascara at least every three months. Remember, bacteria are planted in it!
  • To avoid staining the upper or lower eyelid with ink, use a credit card or business card to protect it.
  • If you did not have a gel to lay your eyebrows at hand, boldly use a lip balm.
  • Always remove the excess carcass from the brush, so that the eyelashes do not have terrible lumps.
  • We hope you liked these tricks for creating mind-blowing eyelashes. Do not forget to also see our selection of useful life-styles for each girl!